Dodo doc > Syntax > Literal Values > Collection Literals
A list is an ordered collection of items. Items of the list are enclosed in square brackets. Collection literals can be used as items. If the item contains a dodo-style block it must be put inside brackets.
[1, 2, 3, 6, 12]
[apple, orange, pear]
A set is an unordered collection of distinct items. The items of a set literal are enclosed in square brackets and each is prefixed with a colon. There are restrictions on the type of the items in a set.
[:apple, :orange, :pear]
[:"100km", :"Jane", :"red"]
A map is an unordered collection of key, value pairs. The entries are enclosed in square brackets and a key is separated from the associated value with a colon. Collection literals can be used as values. If the key contains a dodo-style block is must be put inside brackets. There are restrictions on the type of map keys.
[apple: [gala, cox], orange: [navel], pear: [conference, comice]]
["Ok": 1, "Cancel": 2]