Dodo doc > Macros and Templates > Templates > Function Template
A function template declaration starts with the keyword "template" followed by template parameters. There can be a [where] clause after the type parameters to add parameter constraints. Then the function declaration comes.
template (type: $Coord, distance: $Distance) [where Coord ~ Arithmetic] def distanceFromOrigin(Coord, Coord) -> Distance
The definition repeats the template parameters from the function template declaration. It is optional to repeat the constraints.
The constraints can be more restrictive than the declaration, which allows to define different function bodies depending on template parameters. In that case the last function template to match wins.
In the body only operations defined in types which match the constraints can be used.
template (type: $Coord, distance: $Distance) def distanceFromOrigin(Coord x, y) -> return(Distance) { return (x **2 + y **2) **0.5 }
When using a function template with a generic function parameter, the type of this parameter is determined by the argument passed to the function. If the return value is generic its type is determined by the continuation that uses that value, for example a variable assignment.
double d = distanceFromOrigin(30, -5.5) # Distance is type double
The function template can be used as prototype for a new function or made into a concrete function by using the angle brackets syntax.
v 6. Expressions and Instructions