# Warmer/colder game, the player has to guess a number with the help of
# the computer. The game was translated in dodo to illustrate Python-style
# programming
# Original version:
#   warmer.py       3/11/96 by Joe Strout
# http://www.strout.net/python/warmer.py

use modules
use console, rand

def Run():
    # pick a number in the range 1-100
    def mynum = rand!RandomGenerator().Choice(100) + 1
    def yourguess = 200    # what user guessed
    def lastdist = 0       # last distance to mynum
    def tries = 0          # number of tries so far
    *Stdout out
    *Stdin in

    console!out.Puts("I'm thinking of a number from 1 to 100.")
    # main loop: repeat until user gets it right
    loop while (yourguess != mynum):
        .tries = tries + 1
        console!out.Write("Your guess? ")
        def ans = console!in.Gets()
        .yourguess = Integer.parse(ans)
        case if (yourguess != mynum):
            # find how far off you are
            .newdist = abs(yourguess - mynum)

            # print warmer/colder than last time
                (lastdist = 0):
                    console!out.Puts("Guess again..."). #first try
                (newdist > lastdist):
                    console!out.Puts("You're getting colder.").
                    console!out.Puts("You're getting warmer.").
            .lastdist = newdist
    console!out.Puts("Good job!  That took "(tries)" tries.")
    catch (event: _(parsed: "")? ParseError):
        console!out.Puts("The solution was "(mynum))
    catch (event: ?ParseError):
        console!out.Puts("Type a number or ENTER")
        resume @prompt.