Dodo doc > Variables and Functions

Variables and Functions

3.1. Variables

3.1.1. Syntax

3.1.2. Declaration

3.1.3. Use As Argument

3.1.4. Use As Prototype

3.2. Constants and Enums

3.2.1. Constants Syntax Declaration Use As Argument Use As Prototype

3.2.2. Enum Variables

3.3. Linked References

3.3.1. Requirements

3.3.2. Declaration

3.3.3. Use In Expressions

3.3.4. Use As Argument By Reference

3.3.5. Storage and Activation

3.3.6. Finding Linked References

3.3.7. Joining Two Lists By A Linked Reference

3.4. Functions

3.4.1. Syntax

3.4.2. Declaration

3.4.3. Definition

3.4.4. Invocation

3.5. Continuations

3.5.1. Introduction

3.5.2. Example

3.5.3. Default Continuation

3.5.4. Default Value

3.5.5. Yield and Resume

3.5.6. Throw and Catch

3.5.7. Try Block

^ 2.4.7 Pattern Literals

v 4. Types