Dodo doc > Variables and Functions >
Constants and Enums >
Any variable name starting with a lower case letter or underscore and a non-capital letter can be a constant name. In addition,
constant names can start with a single underscore followed by a
capital letter then more underscores, capital letters or digits.
Rationale: there is not much
distinction between a variable and a constant in dodo, so their names
can be the same. The all-capital syntax is intended to ease the
translation of C programs to dodo.
A constant is declared like a variable,
except that empty brackets "()" are added after the constant name. A
constant always requires an initialisation value. To specify its type,
replace the empty brackets with an arrow and "get" followed by a type.
def step() = 4
def filename -> get(String) = "scores"
Rationale: as a constant is a variable
that cannot be assigned a value, it is implemented in dodo as a
function without parameters. The compiler can optimise the code to
replace the function call with its returned value, or cache the
result of the function call if the returned value is unknown.
In the second syntax, the empty brackets are optional and "get"
is actually the return continuation which requires a type.
Use as argument
A constant can be passed by value to a
function like any variable. A constant cannot be passed by reference.
2 * pi
Rationale: even though it looks like a
variable, this is really a function call for which the brackets are
optional. Since the same applies to all functions without parameters, the
drawback is that constants cannot be distinguished from no-parameter
Use as prototype
Constants can be used as prototype in
exactly the same way as other variables.
^ 3.2. Constants and Enums
v 3.2.2. Enum Variables